Thursday, June 28, 2012


The other day, i was messing around with my lappy formatting and arranging things.
          Few 5 years back the lane when the computers costed high, @ that time having 320 gigs of hard disk was the real luxury any one can afford. I remember my friend used to say "my friend have got a high end computer with pentinum 4 processor 21 inch CRT monitor 320 gigs of hard disk space, that guy keeps stuffs ranging from different kinds of movies, songs, games etc. its a huge collection cant find any thing missing".  Back now a days a 320 gigs means nothing, according to me its nothing but a tiny sack.
        Now a days, day by day files are getting bigger, HD,blue ray sizes are huge. but ironically pic images are also getting heavier. My sony cybershot every images weighs 5-10mb, Every time i take it out for capturing for function or event then there will be at least 60 -70 images and the whole takes gbs of memory.
       while arranging i faced the same annoying thing where i couldn't afford space to transfer pics from my camera to the hard disk, as its over loaded though i have kept a dedicated drive especially for images of 25gb its been loaded by images (holy crap images filling the entire partition).
       Now i am out of option and cant afford to loose the files or no room on hdd partition, so now decided to burn it on blank dvd's, because as of now i cant afford external hdd. so searched for few good deals of blank dvd pack on ebay and ordered it, waiting for its shipment.
         Mean while i came up with the idea of picking few best images of all those folders and collaging it. Its really fun as it gives the highlight of whats there (editors point of view). But for me it highlights the best moments of my life. Its really fun to collage, here what i got collaging.