Saturday, November 12, 2011

Post 4-Quite Interesting Day

I have always keep belief in few facts like "Everything happens that's because of the reason" "life teaches us everyday" like wise there are lot of quotes and few i agree and few i have a disbelief in.
                Well today i realized this quotes matches with every instances that happened. Yesterday has i said at night 1 O clock i decided to write internals on 'operating system' i was in a thought that i am a pro and can just glance and i can face any internals or exams, due to my previous success, created such a confidence. as u may have heard that "confidence is better but over confidence is worse" same happened, it was purely a disaster. one of my friend who was sitting front of me tried his best to show but i was so dumb that at the very moment i understood 'even am not capable of copying'. so just wrote what ever i know, luckily i dint required this internals, so felt relaxed and just returned forgetting, to concentrate on "DBMS". well has they say "your work will always be paved", same happened?I wrote decently with a expectation of quite nice marks on board.
                          Finally 4 is out and two more to go, but tomorrow will be tough day because of  both effected subjects 'Computer networks' and 'finite automata formal language' which needs a quite high marks. which i doubt getting that. I have to study more so, which i doubt i can do that.




  1. y u ll say tht "i doubt that i can do
    just say i ll.. n i have a capacity to do.
    i kno u r ulti guy
    love u ..<3 <3 <3
