Saturday, November 12, 2011

Post 3 - Confused by this Internals

                                               Early Morning

Today my day was not so pleasant because i started my day early around 6 AM . sound of alarm was like a huge horn blowing in my ears. i feel sometimes "how on earth people get so early" vice versa my family thinks about me "how on earth he can sleep so late when every one is getting up" ha ha.. it so habitual for me as i am defying the 'laws of nature'. i have became a nocturnal species and i don't mind awaken till morning. but to my fear this rules defies when there is a internal or exam next day, same thing happened yesterday, i felt asleep early and i tried my best but i was drowsing, finally packed my books and slept keeping alarm.
       @ 6 AM after several times of snoozing cursing education n education system got up, tried best to read as much with drowsing and in between dreaming as if i was studying. @ 9 AM wrapped up, finally ran to college in hurry.

                                             @ Internals Hall

To my surprise when i saw paper sub: Software Engineering  i knew all of the questions.

 Writing internals is an art followed mostly by boys: 
If we have not studied well we follow art #1- Fill as much as paper showing your art of creativity.
If we have studied in 50:50 ratio follow art#2- Fill paper combining what you have studied with creativity. 
If we have studied 100% then follow art#3 Fill all you have learnt with no gags (afraid its very coincidental n rare scenario)
        The conclusion of the above is just fill paper with what ever you know. 'because we pay for blue book right'. 'it improves your sentence forming ability'. etc etc

I followed art#2, I was so involved that, for my writing i would have got award for the literature, extending a paragraph sized answer to pages but to my 'hard luck' as i said in my previous posts time waits for no one exactly same happened, to my fear when i was still in 2nd part middle, Invigilator announced "5 more minutes". I was trembled then i cursed myself for the screwed creativity, wrote as much possible in short, until she snatched my paper.

                                              Back to Home

I had decided that i am not going to write 'System software' as i have enough marks in it. so skipped it and till from morning am locked up trying to study "Data Base Management System". oh! god my mind is running 100 ways,checking face book on hourly basis, skipped songs ranging from languages to pop and finally rock to metal. some how managed to finish part decently.
                   Am in bit confusion whether to write "operating system"(obviously not writing code ha ha)
so finally taught of giving a shot, now its 00.30 hrs and need to start now to write at 9.30AM.
                 Let see today special sleep syndrome affects or not. This 48 hrs will be sleepless, writing 3 effected subjects and 1 normal that counts 4..
             Let See how i  handle this........................
"Internals Messing Me"

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