Thursday, November 10, 2011

1st Post-Documenting my thoughts

  I always had thoughts which where running through my mind,  few had much impact and remained in my mind, but few lost without attention and with time all faded to thin air, unable to recall. When i was young i used to notice people writing diaries, i didn't understood at that time, has time passed i gradually learnt that 'few things need to be saved'. 
          The major difference between humanoid robots and humans are that their memory can be saved in a digital format but human's can't. So we human document our thoughts by writing diaries.
          I din't felt comfortable holding pen, So i started typing,well! literaly i mean i kept a digitized diary on my laptop and made regular entries. but to my 'hard luck' with a disk crash i lost my data along with my diary, dint had a back up. 
          I then switched to online diary service but din't found comfortable. I meant for a platform where i could write, share, save. In mean time i found blogging is all about that and hence here i am with my blog.
         Here i am planning to Blog on personal life,social,technology,recent,past..... In short any thing.
"For Future For Life"
stay tuned..

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