Monday, November 21, 2011

Post 5- what a week it was!! lol

Well it was a week back that i wrote last post. I am always known for irregularity but few instances kept me out of blog:-
i) Full week i was busy writing Internals and there after Lab Internals.
ii) Disastrous trip to mysore
iii) intoxicated nights.
iv) tweaking with HTML and CSS to refurbish the look of the blog. (still half done)

   Any way it was a exiting week. fun filled experiences ever could i had imagined. in brief energetic fun hatred filled week.
                                         Disastrous birthday Party
     I Did my Internals well and it went really well, but the day after the success of internals thought of getting little intoxicated, moreover it was set for birthday party of one of my classmate. It was basically set to be organised in mysore but we were so ruined with these internals, so to relieve it was a perfect time. so, we pulled him and self invited ourselves and with a mindset of keeping it simple, as orginal plan was set for a grand party in mysore. but when we started at a dhaba it was correct, but as a couple of beer emptied,few of my friends started behaving insane (i will not mention any ones name here) breaking bottle, insulting people around them, started fighting with the another group who where juniors, which made them to leave the premises, whole resturant was ransacked. finally when every thing was done, bill was whopping 4000 bucks with my friend having just 1500 rs in his pocket. finally when everything was about to be set, 2 insane friends who were proclaiming themselves has best buddies started fighting for unknown reason(still i dont know and even they don't know ha ha!). restaurant management called for cops that is when i made a exit, so as to save myself to getting caught.(lot happened but i will stop here).

                                         mysore expedition(rather then trip)
          my friends lap top got screwed needed to replace mother board and nearest lenovo outlet was in mysore . so with enthusiasm went catching a early morning train. that is when my bad time started, as soon as i boarded, took out my digital camera took a few snaps but to my hard luck the next flash stopped, it started capturing without flash. i was totally lost, checked all but still it dint rectified. later when we reached started a busy day roaming by the time all got over it was afternoon, i had lost all my stamina due to sunlight. moreover after lap top work went to chammundi hills by standing in a crowded local bus n at temple there was a long queue and took few hours there. later when we were back it was noon thats when we got the news that service guy needed 24 more hrs to zero in the accurate problem. one of my friend went back but all of them planned to stay there hoping to get boozed again that night. Later we went to KRS and when we reached it was 7 pm. i felt very bad about my camera when i saw people capturing photos. it was awesome scenery there, even i tried to take photos all was just like a flashing dot light. got back to friend room on the way in the bus thought of checking the photos in my pda has the camera's battery was too low switched it but while swapping back i may have forgotten to insert again "lost my memory card with all those pic taken that day" (i would have posted few if it was with me) what a disaster. night was OK not went has planned. Next day again ruined day happened 10am got up, visited service center, spent time in park, roamed all over. by the time i cached the train back @ 6PM, i was re leaved. reached home by 10 PM. Moral: never do any thing without plan, else it will be ruined.    

                                            Present Day
  After all those menace all this week and with a skipping time frame of lab exam on 24th i am out of schedule and before getting into the menace of preparation of exam  so we friends made a plan for little outing with a little money we had. this is one of a kind of new experience.
                     We 4friends started a group(unnamed) 3months back, according to which every month after all the menace of that month, we will accumulate few money and we will make party. our team consists of 3 amateur drinkers and 1 non drinker, but the fun is he will be the one who is investing more money then others.
             1st month with enough money we had a great party, next month was bit less but this was officially organised in a big hotel. 3rd month our team was all running short of money and in order to keep our trend we organised it today with bit experience from previous experiences. we where in a conclusion that getting "boozed" is the only propoganda either you do it any where. so finally the 3rd month we were on streets (ha ha!). so planned a location where we can organise and finally found stadium will be the best place in hassan to get boozed.
              Stadium is more often used by sports people and the usual old people to walk but we used it has a place to sit and booze, what a fun it was, literally enjoyed (oh! god what have i become). unfortunately a security personal saw us in the pitch black(may be he is a owl for sure) but as we where about to have a second thought, he warned us not to leave bottle in the premises and left.
                   Back at home right now with little intoxication. switched my lap top to start working on programs but my ruthless mind scrupt me out for writing this post,with memories running in my mind. pairing it up with words and cutting short to make it simple, after all this is what this blog is meant for! jai ho!

"Enjoy to your souls, because no one knows tomorrow" 


Saturday, November 12, 2011

Post 4-Quite Interesting Day

I have always keep belief in few facts like "Everything happens that's because of the reason" "life teaches us everyday" like wise there are lot of quotes and few i agree and few i have a disbelief in.
                Well today i realized this quotes matches with every instances that happened. Yesterday has i said at night 1 O clock i decided to write internals on 'operating system' i was in a thought that i am a pro and can just glance and i can face any internals or exams, due to my previous success, created such a confidence. as u may have heard that "confidence is better but over confidence is worse" same happened, it was purely a disaster. one of my friend who was sitting front of me tried his best to show but i was so dumb that at the very moment i understood 'even am not capable of copying'. so just wrote what ever i know, luckily i dint required this internals, so felt relaxed and just returned forgetting, to concentrate on "DBMS". well has they say "your work will always be paved", same happened?I wrote decently with a expectation of quite nice marks on board.
                          Finally 4 is out and two more to go, but tomorrow will be tough day because of  both effected subjects 'Computer networks' and 'finite automata formal language' which needs a quite high marks. which i doubt getting that. I have to study more so, which i doubt i can do that.



Post 3 - Confused by this Internals

                                               Early Morning

Today my day was not so pleasant because i started my day early around 6 AM . sound of alarm was like a huge horn blowing in my ears. i feel sometimes "how on earth people get so early" vice versa my family thinks about me "how on earth he can sleep so late when every one is getting up" ha ha.. it so habitual for me as i am defying the 'laws of nature'. i have became a nocturnal species and i don't mind awaken till morning. but to my fear this rules defies when there is a internal or exam next day, same thing happened yesterday, i felt asleep early and i tried my best but i was drowsing, finally packed my books and slept keeping alarm.
       @ 6 AM after several times of snoozing cursing education n education system got up, tried best to read as much with drowsing and in between dreaming as if i was studying. @ 9 AM wrapped up, finally ran to college in hurry.

                                             @ Internals Hall

To my surprise when i saw paper sub: Software Engineering  i knew all of the questions.

 Writing internals is an art followed mostly by boys: 
If we have not studied well we follow art #1- Fill as much as paper showing your art of creativity.
If we have studied in 50:50 ratio follow art#2- Fill paper combining what you have studied with creativity. 
If we have studied 100% then follow art#3 Fill all you have learnt with no gags (afraid its very coincidental n rare scenario)
        The conclusion of the above is just fill paper with what ever you know. 'because we pay for blue book right'. 'it improves your sentence forming ability'. etc etc

I followed art#2, I was so involved that, for my writing i would have got award for the literature, extending a paragraph sized answer to pages but to my 'hard luck' as i said in my previous posts time waits for no one exactly same happened, to my fear when i was still in 2nd part middle, Invigilator announced "5 more minutes". I was trembled then i cursed myself for the screwed creativity, wrote as much possible in short, until she snatched my paper.

                                              Back to Home

I had decided that i am not going to write 'System software' as i have enough marks in it. so skipped it and till from morning am locked up trying to study "Data Base Management System". oh! god my mind is running 100 ways,checking face book on hourly basis, skipped songs ranging from languages to pop and finally rock to metal. some how managed to finish part decently.
                   Am in bit confusion whether to write "operating system"(obviously not writing code ha ha)
so finally taught of giving a shot, now its 00.30 hrs and need to start now to write at 9.30AM.
                 Let see today special sleep syndrome affects or not. This 48 hrs will be sleepless, writing 3 effected subjects and 1 normal that counts 4..
             Let See how i  handle this........................
"Internals Messing Me"

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Post 2- Busy Schedule

All these days i was busy working on my project. but one fine day i had a flash "oh! wait a minute you are out of schedule". yes exactly, I found that exams are nearing and am about to write 3rd internals with awesome average i have kept till now. oh,sorry i am writing tomorrow my 3rd internals. god knows what i scrub there.
                   I was busy learning 'perl' a programming language. adobe Photoshop for designing purposes. bit hours of surfing tons of data for my project. wep and wpa cracking and searching for wi5 adapter on ebay, gathering info on hosting servers,touch typing etc etc. i dint noticed time has it passed by.
     "Everyday i am facing Interruption to procure with my project and this instance adds to it"
                 well so i made a schedule and planned to call off my project until exams. now i am pushing my self off limits and needs to crucify to concentrate my whole on facing my exams. hope i do well and i will.

"Time Stays For No One"


1st Post-Documenting my thoughts

  I always had thoughts which where running through my mind,  few had much impact and remained in my mind, but few lost without attention and with time all faded to thin air, unable to recall. When i was young i used to notice people writing diaries, i didn't understood at that time, has time passed i gradually learnt that 'few things need to be saved'. 
          The major difference between humanoid robots and humans are that their memory can be saved in a digital format but human's can't. So we human document our thoughts by writing diaries.
          I din't felt comfortable holding pen, So i started typing,well! literaly i mean i kept a digitized diary on my laptop and made regular entries. but to my 'hard luck' with a disk crash i lost my data along with my diary, dint had a back up. 
          I then switched to online diary service but din't found comfortable. I meant for a platform where i could write, share, save. In mean time i found blogging is all about that and hence here i am with my blog.
         Here i am planning to Blog on personal life,social,technology,recent,past..... In short any thing.
"For Future For Life"
stay tuned..